Ornella studio - Visit link
A portfolio oft a talent artist
Aynimar - Visit link
Mi favorite Own Project, is a Circular Ecommerce App, developed from the backend to the frontend, recycling of wastes and coming soon I will have for sale products that come from a circular economy. Register and participate in the creation of the circular economy
Ecommerce Dashboard width Next and React - Visit link
User Interface of a Ecommerce dashboard, with a grafics statistics, CRUD of products, categories, edit option, etc, get login with the user: "maria@mail.com" and password: "12345" or visit width this link to get the data to login and read de API REST Docs https://api.escuelajs.co/docs/#/
Your Numerology - Visit link
find your power number and that of your partner and discover the type of relationship you would have by yours date of birth
Flexnet - Visit link
layout of a streaming page
Geometric Calculator - Visit link
page with calculators of geometric figures
Google CLon - Visit link
Google`s layaout Clon
Login Page - Visit link
Layout Login and register Page
React E-Shop - Visit link
ecommerce page made with react to Show
RandomBriefcase - Visit link
Random portfolio Generator
NodeAPI - Visit link
Backend for Ecommerce Application with Node.js, Express.js, Postgresql database and passport.js to manage the authentication and athorization with Json Web Token (JWT)